Beyond Imagination Week 5 Notes

Beyond Imagination

Understanding the Character and Nature of God

Week 5 – God is Holy

Holy means

  1. Exalted or worthy of complete  as one perfect in                    and righteousness
  2. devoted to the deity (God) or the                    of the deity (God)

Perfect and set apart for God’s special purposes.

God always knows the right thing to do and always does the right thing.

God’s power is holy power. God’s love is holy love. God’s wisdom is holy wisdom. Holiness is not just one aspect of God’s personality; it is characteristic of His entire Being.

1 John 1:5

Isaiah 6: 1-8

Two things that indicate God is superior to other kings:

  • What do the seraphim cry out in God’s presence?

  • Why is Isaiah afraid to see God?

What was God’s solution?

Exodus 3:1-6

What does Moses have to do to approach God?

Joshua 5:13-15

What is Joshua’s response to the Lord’s presence?

What is he told to do?

The Angel of the Lord Moses saw, and the Commander of the Lord’s army are examples of God appearing in a form that can tolerate sinful humans – possibly the pre-incarnate Christ. All 3 men respond with Awe and fear when they encounter the Holy God. Isaiah cries out, Moses hid his face and Joshua falls to the ground.

We are Called to be Holy

Holiness is one aspect of God’s character we are called to emulate. We cannot be all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, or present everywhere at once like God – but the Bible commands us to be Holy like God.

1 Peter 1:14-16

For Christians Holiness has 2 components

  1. Justification
  2. Sanctification

When God has forgiven us for our sin, do we thank him by doing it again?

How do we know which laws to keep, and which have been fulfilled by Jesus’ coming?

Commonly children take rules very literally and obey the letter of the law, then as we get older some people come to see the principles behind the rules, or the spirit of the law.

Matthew 22:36-40 Which is the most important commandment?

Jesus’ death and resurrection were a great sacrifice to make it possible to be with God.

His time on earth also taught him first-hand what it is like to be a human being experiencing struggles and temptation

Jesus’ time on earth showed us what a holy, perfect, sinless human being looks like.

We are to emulate him in our own lives.

We are not Holy, what can we do?

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