Worship The King
Worship The King
Words and Music by John Dacker
Verse 1
Lord You are the source of life
You control seasons and skies
You bring rains for thirsty soil
Father would You water my soul
Let Your living water flow
I will worship the King
Glorify Him
Seated on high You are
Worthy of praise
For all of my days
Your wonders never cease
Verse 2
You alone, O Lord, are God
And I still myself before You
As I wait your Spirit leads
From desert into fertile fields
Bring me to Your place of rest
All my confidence is in You
I seek your face
To see you
To know you
I seek your voice
To hear you
To learn from you
Psalm 100, Psalm 46:10-11, John 4:13-14
©2024 John Dacker / Pittwater Uniting Church