Understanding Discipleship – 3

Interviews on the Couch

Understanding Discipleship – part 3

Matthew 4:12-22

What organisation or club are you a part of? Think back what was the membership process like? Would you invite somebody to join your club?

Discipleship is about being invited to journey with Jesus. Are you willing to invite somebody to journey with Jesus?

Matthew 4:17-22 has Jesus inviting Simon and Andrew to leave what they are doing and come and follow Him

  • Jesus intends for us to disciple like Him.
  • Discipleship is part of Jesus call to repent of our sins and turn to God.
  • Jesus calls people he already knows.
  • The invitation is to journey with Jesus and learn from Him.
  • The call to be a disciple happens in the everyday and anywhere>

Are you will to disciple in the same way as Jesus?


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