Refresh Feb – 3

Refresh February

Week 3 – Baptism Refreshes

John 3:1-15

Mark 16:12-16

Acts 2:36-41

Do you think baptism is a key, fundamental step in Christian Discipleship?

In the Uniting Church, Baptism is a sign of new life through Jesus and unites us with Christ and the people of God. It is the initiation into the way of life taught by Jesus and practiced by the Church. Baptism is the first of two Sacraments the Uniting Church celebrates.

The Uniting Church practices Baptism for those who confess the Christian faith themselves, and those who are presented for Baptism by parents or guardians.”

Is Baptism a time of joy for you?

Baptism & Repentance

read Acts 2:36-41

Baptism as a Declaration of Faith

 read Mark 16:15-16

Baptism into New Life in Jesus Christ.

read John 3:1-15


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